Evergreen Capsules At The Office
Enjoy Evergreen Capsules at the office!

Get your company to buy Evergreen Capsules for its offices
Help us expand to the next frontier: coffee at the office!
After having been successful at convincing people to switch their daily coffee habits at home to more environmentally-friendly ones, we recently came to realise that there are still a lot to be done for coffee in offices.
Yet the office is a place where a lot of people consume coffee in even greater quantities than at home. So we thought that something should be done about it, and for this we need your help.

What do you need to do?

Get in touch with the people responsible for this at your office. You can introduce them to the reuse movement and inform them that there is a more ecological and economical way to provide coffee to their employees than what they are currently doing. Also, many companies have actually offered our capsules customized with their logo to their employees so this is something that can also be done.

If there is interest on their side, please send to wholesale@evergreen-capsules.com their email address and we will get in touch with them to give them our discounted price list for companies and then finalize the order. Alternatively you can contact them and put us in copy of the email.

If we end up selling to your company, we will offer you your choice of: 15% of the total order as Evergreen gift, or 10% of the total order your company makes in cash. You can see the full terms and conditions of this promotion here.